Leveling System

A Note on the Levels:

Levels are a rough guide. Because of the small class sizes, its easy to have mixed levels in the same class.

Beginner - Brand new to dog agility. Has never been to a dog agility class.

Beginner Level II - Has done 1 dog agility program, but the dog is pretty distractable. The dog can do a tunnel for a tossed treat, is still learning “stay”, and should really repeat Beginner. (However, people hate “repeating” things, so this is why I call it Beginner Level II. Now you know my secret).
Dogs who get very excited and bark a lot should also perhaps join this level. Its better to fix the barking now than later and I can always add more challenge if your team is completing things without barking.

Intermediate - Has done 1-3 programs of dog agility and can pay attention in class. Yes you can skip Beginner Level II if your dog is paying attention well.*

Advanced - Has been to 3+ programs of dog agility. Dog can do all the equipment, pay attention, and the human knows what all the maneuvers are (even if they aren’t perfect at them). *

*Yes Intermediate dogs can join an advanced class and ‘play up’ so to speak (and visa versa).